Are you in your late teenaged years, or early twenties? Are you aware of the problems that can result with your teeth as a result of impacted wisdom teeth? One of the most common dental issues that our
Ringwood oral surgeon treats in the young adults that visit us here at Ramapo Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is impacted wisdom teeth. Your wisdom teeth are your third molars, and they tend to come in around the ages of 18-25 or so. If your wisdom teeth do not have enough room to grow in normally, which is often the case, they will become what is known as impacted. When your wisdom teeth are impacted, it can cause a number of uncomfortable symptoms and problems with the rest of your teeth, or in other cases, you may not even be aware that your wisdom teeth are impacted, but they can still be doing damage without you noticing.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Ringwood
If your impacted wisdom teeth are causing you pain or are causing you problems with your other teeth, it is likely our
Ringwood oral surgeon will recommend having them removed. If you are not experiencing symptoms or pain, but your wisdom teeth are still impacted, we may still suggest that you have them removed to save you from trouble in the future. If you think your wisdom teeth might be impacted, simply schedule an appointment with our
Ringwood oral surgeon here at Ramapo Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery as soon as possible so that we can evaluate your symptoms, confirm a diagnosis, and recommend treatment if necessary.
If you are interested in learning more about wisdom teeth removal, or any of the other many services provided by our
Ringwood oral surgeon, we recommend you visit the main Ramapo Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery website to look through some additional information. If you have any specific questions or concerns that our staff can help you with, do not hesitate to give us a call at the office directly, or send us a message online using the designated form on our website. We look forward to working with you soon here at Ramapo Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.
By Ramapo Oral & Maxillo-Facial Surgery
March 31, 2014